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Hans Ruesch

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Joy Palmer A Tribute to a Hero

Death be not proud. Gone a star that lights, guides and inspires.......still but from a different sphere; beyond the threshold.

I'll take back the word 'gone' for Joy will live in the memory and thoughts of many who agreed with her as well as those who disagreed. Strong-minded, self-assertive and gutsy if need be. Ending vivisection isn't a path for the timorous and faint-hearted. On this path formidable forces are at the crossroads and on every corner to derail, mislead and intimidate the activist. The welfare of animals and their ethical treatment is an integral part of the mission. Joy pursued all with zest, passion and utmost devotion. I have been Joy's friend and co-warrior for many years. I'll miss her, my admiration for her will never fade away. Those who tread the middle path disagreed with the often uncompromising stand of Joy Palmer. To each his way; temper and temperament. Joy, rest in peace with the angels and birds of paradise.

Moneim Fadali, M.D., F.A.C.S.
President, DLRM


Thank you, Joy

A tribute to Joy, given at her funeral on 21st May 2007 by another great lady of the anti-vivisection movement, Cynthia O'Neill, SRN, SCM, QN HV

Thank you Joy. So much you achieved. Co-founder of Doctors and Lawyers for Responsible Medicine. You put everything, yes everything and more, into the great cause.

Knowing the fraud and uselessness of vivisection, causing such damage and death to humans, you would never ever compromise. This took great courage.

Joy's message and aims of DLRM were clear - "For the total and immediate abolition of vivisection on scientific and medical grounds". A great leader - an inspiration to us all. A true anti-vivisectionist.

"Well done, thou good and faithful servant"


Joy Palmer - from Viva!Life magazine

Issue 35, 11 September 2007

We sadly report the death of Joy Palmer, founder and director of Doctors and Lawyers for Responsible Medicine (DLRM) at the age of 86. Always a campaigner, Joy started the first mother and child organisation in Ireland, where she was brought up.

Active in the peace and Palestinian movements, she became a vegan in the 1970s as did her sister Daphne and daughter Sherry ...and they still are!
Joy's father was a vegetarian and his sister 'Aunt Olive' opened the first veggie restaurant in Dublin while Joy's brother Alan opened the Fig Leaf vegetarian restaurant in Earl's Court in the 1950s.

It was not just the cruelty of vivisection that caused Joy to found DLRM, but the way in which it hinders medical advances. She was an ardent Viva! supporter and has asked for donations to be sent to us in lieu of flowers.

She will be sadly missed for her tireless enthusiasm, determination and belief in the freedom of all sentient beings.





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